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Á¦¸ñ The Interrelation Between Seed and Soil - Sexagesima,( 2025-02-23)
ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ °ü¸®ÀÚ ÀÛ¼ºÀÏ 2025-02-23

The Interrelation Between Seed and Soil -Sexagesima (2025-02-23)

There is nothing  magical of seeds. It¡¯s very basic. Plant biology will explain that a seed will germinate under certain conditions in soil and at a certain time will grow into a plant and yield fruit. It is not as if the seeds is a magical dust and will change the soil entirely, so as the soil will yield fruit. 

In this parable, we are the soil and the seed is the doctrine of the church or word of God. Now we don¡¯t need to pray for more seeds, it¡¯s not the abundance of seeds that will bring an increase in fruits. But it really depends on the soil. Any farmer or one who tends plants will know this. If the soil is rich then just a few seeds will produce an abundant fruit. 

It is not the case either that good soil will receive most of the seeds, because in this parable, Our Lord says that some seeds fall on good soil, and it is the same amount that fell on the rocky soil and the soil with thorns. The Sower is God and he uses his instruments, priests and lay folk, he is generous to all. He does not withhold the good seed from the unproductive soil. Just as He grants rain and sunshine to the wicked, the same as to the just. He grants those things that good and the not so good to all souls. 

The sower is not the one who gives it growth per se, he merely scatters the seed. The ability for the seed to germinate and take root and bring an abundant harvest is in the soil itself. It is the relationship between the soil and the seed which is most important. The seed will be spread, and it seems evenly on the bad soil, as on the good. God has adjusted the soil and seed to make it work together to bring forth a harvest. God has created a marvelous world in which His doctrine and word comes into to contact with a soul and together produce a wonderful harvest. 

The doctrine or word comes to us and grows inside of us and remains prepared for growth we might say independent of our own human actions. It should give each of us a great hope, that as long as there Is the seed of doctrine or the word of God in a soul, no matter how terrible off the person might be morally, there is a hope of salvation. This parable is one of hope for ourselves and the world, especially at our time. We have the example of St. Ignatius who before his conversion was a soldier and cared very little about the faith and his own soul. After he was wounded in battle, he was forced to read good books through his boredom. This planted or planted again the seed of faith and conversion and over time led him to convert and to enter the religious life and found the Society of Jesus.

So let us tend to the soil of soul, to cultivate it, to guard it and to ask for an increase in fruit and the spiritual life. Not only for ourselves but for our children as well. To tend to the garden of their soul to be sure that it is fruitful and will lead them to have a strong a faith and solid virtue. Something which is lacking in many families. We go especially to Our Lady to develop this sense of cultivating one¡¯s soul to receive Our Lord and His doctrine that that is produces a great fruit inside of as Our Lord came to Our Lady and He was the fruit of Her womb.  

fr. Peter Fortin